These are professional pictures of the actual item [dior 646 eyeshadow palette] offered by palaisdelabd.
Condition:Is the coach dust bag fake? An authentic Coach handbag is supposed to have a dust bag. It is chocolate brown with red drawstrings and reading ‘COACH EST. 1941’ in white capital letters. Any different colour or text is a clue to wether it is a counterfeit or not. In addition, you can spot a fake Coach bag by the material of the dust bag. If .To spot a fake Coach bag, look for common indicators like low-quality or synthetic leather and poor or uneven stitching. Next, make sure the Cs in the CC pattern are all horizontal, facing each other, and touching. If the pattern has any variation, the purse is fake. See more
Accessories: Dust Bag
Measurements: Handle Drop 27. Height 17. Width 82. Depth 94
Designer: Bottega Veneta
Model: dior 646 eyeshadow palette
Exterior Material: Leather
Exterior Color: Red
Interior Material: Leather
Interior Color: Red
Hardware Color: Gold
Item Number: Z15458